Sunday, May 22, 2011

Weekend Hike

This Saturday Ricky and I were quite bored. So we decided to go for a little hike...
My mom was kind enough to watch Tavan for us so it could just be the two of us. It has been raining here all week so it was a little muddy but that didn't stop Ricky from taking our "mom-mobile" off roading. While hiking I almost stepped right on a rattle snake. I didn't see it all, I just heard the rattle, looked down and booked it out of there! Later on, Ricky saw a lizard, said it like charged him, then taunted it more...and sure enough the little lizard charged him and tried to climb up his pant leg...It was mildly amusing to see his reaction/ dance. Here are some pictures

Mud crusted cliff that looked pretty neat

a thin piece of rock we found, which had a hole it it, so it became a mask...
Colorado in all it's brown-ness
I should have taken an after picture...This was only half of the mud that got on the car that day.
Poor Priscilla.... :(

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