Saturday, March 3, 2012

30 weeks!!!!

has this pregnancy gone by super fast for anyone else? I still honestly think that I am just barely in my second trimester, but im not. On Wednesday I hit the 30 weeks mark and it hit me....should this pregnancy go like Tavans did...Dimitri will be here in 7 Weeks (6 1/2 to be exact!) That is so soon and even though we have everything, I don't feel ready for it yet! Everything is going great and I start to have my appointments every two weeks now. I am only "done" being pregnant at night. My body structure is not made for all the pregnancy weight and so I have been having some pretty painful hips. It seems like I night I can barely roll over without Ricks help and in the morning I am just a stiff board, but after some stretches and my occasional yoga i feel better :) Dimitri gets the hiccups often. They are tiny and come very rapidly. Its an odd sensation but Ricky thinks its funny. Half the time the hiccups scare the poor little guy and each time he hiccups, he on one side of my belly we have "hiccup" and the other, we see a foot kick or whole belly jumps. Sort of amusing....slightly painful..

In other news, we started potty training with Tavan last week. We haven't really "cracked down" lately (thats next week when I don't have to work at all) but he knows enough to tell us when he has to go and whatnot...and he is doing awesome!! I am so proud of him, but sad that my baby is growing up :(

Also, this weekend (at this very moment in fact) Ricky is working on building our boys bunk beds! I am so excited. As soon as we knew we were having another boy, we knew bunk beds were in our future and since Tavan needs a bed frame now, we figured we may as well just get the bunk beds now. WE looked around online and in some stores but we just couldn't find beds that we liked (sturdy enough for 2 Morgan boys, good quality, etc...) After looking online I found some bunk beds on Ana Whites DIY website and after talking to Ricky we decided that he was going to build them and in the process save about $300.00. We are pretty jazzed. Another bonus is that we still have A LOT of stain left over from when Rick refinished Tavans cabinet, so everything in the boys room will match perfectly (pet peeve of mine). Rick is pretty excited to build his boys beds but mostly to do some wood working. He loves to build things so it will be good for him :)I will post pictures of the project once its finished.

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