after my dad left we got the nursery all set up. Its crazy to think that this little one could come as soon as Two weeks!! I didnt realize how close i was to the end until my doctor told me that if I go into Labor in 2 weeks they wont stop me.... Scary/exciting thought!!!
in other news, on Monday the 26th I went to work at 8:30 only to be a patient in the ER by 8:45 =/ I had started my day and already it was crazy and in an attempt to sit back down in my chair to check a patient in, i missed the chair (it had rolled back) and i landed right on my tailbone. It hurt alot and in all honesty i was bawling like a little school girl. my co worker kept asking if i was alright and the only thing i could squeak out was "i want my mom". in my defense my thought flow was this
1. OWWWW!!
2. ah, crap i'm pregnant and just fell down
3. Is Dimiti OK?
4. What if he isn't and because of this fall i loose him....Ricky is at home and I dont want to be alone when they tell me something is wrong.....
5. I want my mom with me till Ricky gets here....
Luckily the Doctor was just in the other room and heard me fall so she came running and from there was able to orchestrate how to get me off the floor....i felt pretty awesome with everyone standing around me telling me not to move and that they were getting a backboard, doppler, and calling Ricky. My pride was pretty much shattered at this point and i just wanted to make sure that little one was OK. They eventually got me to the ER and started to Check on Dimitri. AS far as we can tell he is totally fine and we dont even know if the fall even phased him. They monitored me for about 2 hours. We arent able to xray because of the pregnancy but because the treatment for a bruised/broken tailbone is the same im not worried. Doctor thinks i just bruised the bone and doesn't think that i fractured it, but we wont know for sure. So for now I just have a really sore purple and blue bum. Dimitri has been just as active as ever and we both are doing fine =) If anything we can honestly tell him he was dropped on his head as a little one.....