Thursday, February 25, 2010

Past couple of days

so the past couple of days have been emotionally draining for us...Tavan has been losing weight rather than gaining and spiting up a lot so we took him to the doctor and he ordered labs and an upper GI contrast test...well the contrast test came back good but his labs showed that his Liver enzymes are all very very high so the next day he ordered a abdominal CT and some more labs today we go back to the doctor for the 3rd day to go over those results which the doctor said are already concerning. Dr. Kwak has been talking with a pediatric GI in SLC this whole time and there is a chance that today we may get sent over to SLC to see her but we dont know for sure yet. Tavan has been a trooper for what he has had to go through (got poked 7 times yesterday) and we can now say he is not a fan of those lab people...he gives them the evil eye. I will post more when we know more! love you all and thank you for your support please pray for our little one!

1 comment:

Team Jogan said...

im so sorry. i hope things get better fast.