Wednesday, March 23, 2011

15 facts about each of us

One of my friends did this for her blog and I thought...why not? so here we go, 15 facts about each one of us

1. guns- Ricky was raised around them and loves to shoot them. Not to mention he has a nice pair of them :D
2. He is a book worm. He constantly has his nose in one, which is something I envy.
3. Ricky shares a love/hate relationship with Rangely. He loves it because to him, it is home, but hates that you have to drive 50+ miles just to get groceries.....not cool
4. Shopping- he loves it just as much as I do ( I believe its because he enjoys getting out of town)
5. Children- Ricky absolutely adores kids! which is good because they adore him back
6. WOW addict- Ricky used to be glued to the computer, but now he only plays for MAYBE an hour each week, which I am not complaining about at all.
7. His occupation is a coal miner. He loves working out there and is glad he is not in the trash business, which I love as well! (he doesn't come home smelling ripe!)
8.Don't let him fool you, he is just as picky about certain things as I am, and I love it!
9. The way to Rickys heart is through cookies, any size or flavor, he loves 'em
10. As well as cookies, Ricky has a soft spot for pecan pie
11. He was the quiet shy kid in school
12. From time to time, he thinks I'm crazy. Whenever I come to him with an idea he looks at me like I'm crazy but lets me do it & supports me the entire time,and in the end he usually likes it
13. Loves comedy. I cannot drive and listen to comedy...but he can
14. He is very tech savvy
15. Last but not least, Ricky loves to cuddle :)

1. French Fry lover- I don't know if it is just the salt or what, but I LOVE mcdonalds french fries
2. I share a love/hate relationship with Wal-mart. I hate it for multiple reasons, but whenever I am in a hurry, I find myself there because it has everything. One hit wonder if you will...
3. table manners- People who don't have common table manners drive me up the wall! Just ask my brothers, if I catch you talking while there is any food in your mouth, it costs ya!
4. drama- I can't stand it. I try to stay out of it, but usually find it all around me and occasionally about me. If people have nothing better to do than critique my life, I say, go ahead...waste your time. They are everything to me. I will stand up and be there for them no matter what.
6. I do not like spring. yep I said it. I'm more a fall girl. Don't get me wrong I am glad to see the color come back to the world, and see winter leave but I HATE the mud. It gets everywhere and is filthy. which brings me to my next fact
7. Dirty kids make me cringe inside.....I understand that kids are messy/make messes, but there is no excuse why they can't be cleaned afterwards. Faces with food on them, hands/clothes covered in dirt long after playtime is over, sticky hands, stained clothes, snotty faces etc....all make me scream inside.(yes, Tavan is allowed to play in the mud, dirt, eat his food etc... but right after he is done he is wiped down, bathed if needed and clothes changed) I always get everyones opinions here, but you wouldn't want to run around with chocolate face all day either would you???
8. I also love my house and car to be clean. They may not always be clean but I love for them to look clean. The rooms of homes you see in a magazine, yep I would love for my house to look like that. Maybe when the kids are grown & Ricky and I have nothing to do*sigh*
9. I have a soft spot in my heart for bad you get funny looks if you wear them around town here...
10. I'm a Facebook addict. :( Somedays I feel I have nothing to do but sit on FB during Tavans naps, but I have cut back a lot since Tavan has gotten older
11. I love to take road trips!!! I love to be locked up in the car with everyone for hours on love love it. It's when we are together in the car that the best memories are made
12. I absolutely dislike pickles! enough said
13. I love the relationship I have with Ricky. We can talk about any & everything. He is my rock. We have never had a true "argument" we have had little quarrels here and there but they never go on for more than 20 min. and we have never raised our voices.
14. I love zebra print.
15. When I am sick the only person I want is my mom. When I am having a "the glass is half empty" day, I want my dad.

1. Loves wearing socks & shoes. He will go and find them and beg for you to put them on
2. He loves trips to the park. swinging and sliding are his favorite
3. Tavan is deathly afraid of the high school mascot. Anytime he sees the Panther he FREAKS!!
4. He loves to tell stories, Tavan is constantly talking, its pretty darn cute.
5. Outside is where he prefers to be, which I am OK with because it is warming up here and we can spend more time out there
6. Mommys Laptop is one of his favorite things, even though he is not allowed to play with it.
7. The way to Tavans heart is with raspberries, blackberries and bananas. Chocolate helps too
8. Tavan freaks out if anything is on his hands, He is constantly running over to me saying "ew, nasty". Is it bad that I love it???
9. Tavan has a necklace and he wears it . I feel like this one is my fault. I feel exposed if I am not wearing one and so I believe that because I am usually wearing one , Tavan thinks he needs to wear one too. When my flowers from v-day came with a cheap free little heart necklace, Tavan claimed it as his and ever since then, If he sees it he wants to wear it. its pretty funny to see peoples reaction when they see it. I hope it is just a phase
10.Bentley is Tavans beloved friend followed closely by his crib. He has slept with him every night since he was born. It is so fun to watch him practically make out with Bentley every morning when he wakes up. He wants to be held and give Bentley hugs and kisses until he is "awake". "kar" and "Rucks" are his favorite toys and he loves to point them out whenever he sees them or anything that might possibly go "vroom vroom"
12. Baths - He loves them, which is good because he is not allowed to be stinky for long!
13. He has a little crush on Lady Gaga- not her but her music. He sure gets jiggy with it when he hears it come on, especially "just dance". Watch out world you got a master head-banger in the making
14. He is a mommas boy!

I won't tag anyone like you originally were supposed to do, but if you want feel free to continue it, just let me know so I can read them!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing all of this my darling daughter. I love seeing the things that you like that may have been shaped by our times together. I truly miss and love all of you Morgans!