Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Yes my friends, its true...Tavan is on this antibiotic for yet again another ear infection (5th to be exact). Its not that i want to complain...i really do not mind giving him medicine if it helps him feel better in-fact i wouldnt mind if i had to give it to him every half hour....i just cant help but wonder when his body will no longer respond to it.....and if he is ever going to be able to a month without it.....Ricky and I are stumped as to why he gets so many...we sit him up to eat, no water in ears WHATSOEVER!! we try not to lay him down for awhile right after he eats and if we do its only for a diaper change....grrr oh well i guess we should be thankful they make this stuff to help him feel better. we love our little munchkin!

1 comment:

Hot Cookin' Mama said...

That is so weird! My husband got horrible ear infections a lot when he was a baby because of the milk he was drinking and it would somehow drain into his ears..? Or something like that. I hope he gets better!!! :)