Thursday, March 11, 2010


after all sorts of funky labs and hospitalization and Dr. Kwak talking with genetics out in SLC...TAVAN DOESN'T HAVE TO GO!!! as long as he continues to gain weight and eat well then we will not need to make a trip out there because they think that his labs will continue to look more and more normal like they have been. (numbers that we high are beginning to drop with weight gain) so....YAY!! i am so relieved that for now this nightmare has settled! Tavan got his shots today and did awesome. I think having all those labs done and poke after poke might have something to do with it :P he whimpered with the poke then was done.... We now have to boost everything Tavan eats so he gets as much calories as possible. this means double the scoops of formula, keep formula doubled when making rice cereal.....add butter to rice cereal....and an ounce of baby food (the yellow veggies) and the list goes on......though age wise it is early to start giving him some baby food the doctor said it is ok because he needs the calories and that starting a month early will not affect him since he has already been on cereal for almost a 3 weeks now. im so relieved that Tavan is going to be ok but it is getting to be kind of a pain to have to watch his every calorie and weigh him daily and what not...but he is SO worth it!!! Thank you everyone for your prayers and kind words while we went through this. we love you all and hope that you are all doing well!