Tuesday, April 7, 2009

family update!

so it has been awhile so i figured i would take a moment and update everyone on Ricky and I's happenings!!

1. our puppy chewy is no longer with us. he was apparently eaten by something. :(
2. Ricky and i are now both a year older!!!
3. this past March we went on a trip to Florida, where we enjoyed the warm sunshine. while we were there we went to disneyworld, daytona beach, deepsea fishing, and to a water park. it was so nice to get away from Rangely and spend time togeter! Before we flew out of Salt Lake we got the chance to meet up with some of the girls that Ricky met on his mission and are now going to school in Utah...It was fun to see ricky speaking russian with these girls and one of his companions even though i had no clue what was being said! i will try to post some of the pics from the trip.
4. we replaced Chewy and got a very small dog. we were going to wait to get another puppy but when the "free to a good home" offer came up with him....well....we didnt wait...His name is Kenai and he is so adorable and absolutly loves Ricky more than he does me....Its cute to see them playing together!
5. Also Ricky and I are Expecting!!!!!! we will have a new member of the family sometime in November and we both cant wait! i have not had what i would consider morning sickness, i have waves of nausea come over me every now and then but they go away as fast as they come! according to all the "quizzes and test" and "chinese calculator" things....Its going to be a boy!but according to Ricky its a girl. (hahah he is so cute) but we will have to wait and see later on for sure to see what the doctor says!
6. i only have a few more weeks left in my classes until the semester is over and it can not end soon enough! i can not wait for it to be the summer time. sometime this summer my dad is going to try to come out here and see us and we are both SO excited for that!


James and Tiff said...

CONGRATS!!!!!!! How exciting for you guys:) AHHHHHHHHH!!!! YAY! Let me know if you need anything:)

Kaitlyn said...

It is about time you update! I was wondering what happened to you, but it sounds like everything is going great! Pregnant?! You need to tell me these things Deanna! haha. Congrats!! You definitely need to update this thing more, and for sure once you get ultrasound stuff and etc.

Team Jogan said...

haha according to all the quizzes and calendars and stuff i was supposed to have a boy too... but Logan always thought it was a girl! haha and well maybe husbands just know :) anyway, your husband served in russia? so did mine. where in russia did yours serve (and when did he get back?)