Monday, December 12, 2011


This year for Thanksgiving we cooked our own meal. Ever since we have been married we have gone to one of our parents/grandparents homes for the big feast so this year I decided we would cook our own. I always feel bad about just showing up and eating a meal that someone else has "slaved" over all day so I figured it was time to make my own. Plus we enjoy cooking/baking together anyway. This year I asked Ricky to get a ham from Harry and David (its family tradition!) , rather than a turkey (not big turkey fans) and it turned out fabulous! We made all sorts of food and in the end had way to much for just the three of us, but we still loved every minute/bite of it! Afterwards we went over to Mike and Paula's, but they weren't really doing anything except watching a hunting show so we left shortly and went to my moms for dessert. I made two pies and took both to her house and we all sat and visited while we ate our pie yummmm!!! Here are some pics of the day!

My boys right before we ate
Rick and I after spending all morning in the kitchen
Tavan and I
me at work apparently.......thanks rick =/
our meal
it wasn't until it was all on the table that I realized how "yellow" it was..oops!

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