Monday, December 12, 2011


Remember how back in my trip to Idaho blog, I said I would post about what Ricky did while Tavan and I were out of the house? well yeah, I finally remembered to do that. =) but first (because I loaded the pictures backwards) I will show you Tavan in his new room! We moved him out of his "nursery" to help make room for #2 and turned his nursery into what now will be the guest bedroom until a later date. I know we did it way early, but I wanted Tavan to have some adjustment time before we make all these huge changes in his life. Soon he will be getting his big boy bed which will be a bunk bed. We figured we would wait until we knew the sex of baby #2 to see if bunk beds were in our future and tada! For now he is still in his crib/bed but that will soon change too! Here is Tavan in half of his big boy room!
and now on to the main point of this blog.
While Tavan and I were off partying, Ricky was home slaving away. One of Ricky's friends had built a corner cabinet in high school. Since then he has left Rangely, but the cabinet was left behind at Mike's trash shop. Mike wanted to get rid of it and when we talked to Chris (the friend) he said that we could have it. We went and looked at it, and it was pretty need some work, but Ricky wanted to save it. So using his talents he sanded, repaired, re-glued and re-stained the cabinet to my approval =) Since Tavan is too big for the changer/dresser we re-vamped the cabinet so that we could use it as such and moved it into Tavans room. I love the way it turned out and love that my amazing hubby is talented enough to take a pile of wood and make it look like new again for less than $50!!!!

again the pictures are backwards....sorry!

Tavan showing off the middle part which is a coat hook area
Tavan in front of his cabinet
Love the shelves!!
for now we have them up high so somebody can't climb them should he get the idea to try it

I promise the cabinet sits straight and level, but the lighting makes it look otherwise
This is the "dresser" side
inside the door is more drawers and rod to hang clothes on
the bottom section has 3 drawers as well
the front
again I love the way it turned out and that Ricky was able to stain it to match the rest of Tavans bedroom furniture. I am so very proud of my hubby!

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