Friday, April 27, 2012

Easter 2012

yes, I am way behind in blogging but better late than never! This years easter celebration started a few days before Easter for us. The local Rec Center does an Easter egg hunt in the pool for kids in the community. We weren't going to take Tavan until one of his friends invited us to go with them. Reagan and Tavan had fun even though it was CRAZY! there were so many kids there in the kiddie pool area. Tavan found one egg and then collected two others from friends. after the hunt they let the kids play in the pool for a little while and it wasn't until then that we realized that the Morgan cousins were all there as well, so i think its pretty good that we went.
waiting patiently for it to start
daddy and Tavan splashing afterwards
after the egg hunt we went home and colored easter eggs. Tavan is still a little young for the concept but Ricky andI didnt want to miss the opportunity to let him try. He did better than we expected and enjoyed making the eggs turn colors and putting on his "cars" stickers
all the eggs he colored
On Easter Sunday we decided to go to the grandmas ward for church (both parents are in the same ward) we met up with my mom at the park here in town and Tavan hunted for some eggs (as well as JoD) Tavan loved looking for all the eggs and Ricky enjoyed hiding some for Jo D to try to find
apparently the easter bunny is really tall and can hide Jo Ds eggs in super sneaky places =) Rick even put some way up in the trees and Jo D had to climb up them to find them was mildly amusing
hunting eggs
my boys on Easter
Happy Easter from the Morgans

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