Friday, March 16, 2012

Warmer Weather

The past few days have been so nice here in Rangely that we seem to always be outside. Ricky has had the last two days off and so we have been spending a lot of time at the park and on walks with Tavan on his bike. I have been wanting to set up the trampoline, but I just know that as soon as we do, it will snow. Our neighbors have theirs up and it taunts me every now and then, but for now we just go to the park. =)

Tavan loves to ride on his bike now and thinks its fun when he tries to steer it.

I'm pretty sure Tavan asks to go to the park at least 5 times a day. His favorite thing to do is go down the "swa-lydes". He runs and doesn't even stop to sit down just runs until there is nothing underneath him and slides down on his bum...its pretty amusing.

Tavan has a little girlfriend that he loves to go to the park with,and she slides down on her belly. Ever since then Ricky has been trying to teach Tavan to go down on his belly but it hasnt caught on yet (thank goodness). Its pretty amusing to watch Ricky try to go down slides built for little kids =)

Tavan likes to"Race" down these slides with mommy. only thing is, he doesnt quite understand the concept of racing so I always win... but shh don't tell him that

stopping for a quick smooch in the park.
have I mentioned lately how much I love this man? He is so perfect for me =) He has almost finished staining the bunk beds and i will post all about that when he does. Staining has taken forever because we can only do it on days when there is no one out at the shop to kick up dust, and when Ricky has days off. So hopefully this weekend while Tavan and I are in Idaho and Rick is home, he will get them all finished. They look so good already and I can't wait to have them finished =)

Tavan swinging =)

Ricky on the lady bug

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