Tuesday, June 1, 2010

cute videos

whenever the camera gets pulled out Tavan puts on the "cheese" face

smiling for the camera while on his belly...he is starting to like being on his belly more

His new toy that he plays for hours with

i think this video is so cute! i know he is just jabbering on but now when he talks it sounds like he says "Dada" its so cute...and i think ricky likes it too...i just have to remind him that Tavan is just telling stories and not talking to him....

Tavan and mommy playing. it amazes me how he can be not feeling well with a horrible ear infection but still giggle and laugh with me! i love my little guy!

so crazy i know, but in this one about 25 seconds into the video the ball says " roll me! yay! yay!" and it sounds like Tavan repeats Yay yay!....

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