Friday, March 19, 2010

long post!

i thought i was being all sneeky and going to check on Tavan while having his nap and well this is how i found him......

Since loading Tavans every meal with calories he has been growing like a weed!!! PJs that fit 2 weeks ago, dont. he is a whole head taller! Yesterday he weighed 11.2 lbs and if he weighed 12 he would be back on the growth chart. and if he weighed 13-15 lbs he would be at the same percentile that he was in at birth! so we are getting there...quicker than dr. Kwak predicted which i think is good. i cant wait for the day when he says that he is back to were he wants Tavan to be!Also since being switched to soy we don't have to feed Tavan prune juice anymore. He is back to having normal and regular bowel movements! gross but as a mom YAY!

Tavan enjoys his cereal, butter and small amount of baby food mixture its so cute to watch him eat it. He likes it extra thick...runny just runs out of his mouth before he can swallow! He also likes Dr. pepper and Inca cola hahaha...on our last trip out to Provo (where i got my hair cut while out there for a wedding) during the last 20 min or so of the trip he was D-O-N-E!! he wanted out of his car seat and no matter what we did he would not take the binky and stop i dipped it in my dr. pepper shook off the extra and popped it in his mouth and BAM...he was back to being was funny. Then the next day we went to a Peruvian restaurant with Mike and Paula (Rickys parents) while out in provo and mike dipped his bink in the Inca Cola (like a cream soda but tastes like bubble gum) cuz he heard thats what i did in the car...I had no clue what was going on till the other side of the table just started giggling because they thought it was cute how he sucked if off the bink then when it was gone acted like he wanted more....but he didnt get any so he stuck out the pouty lip....hahaha it was cute. he already has his Papa wrapped around his finger. I also got dubbed Mikes favorite daughter-in-law while at the restaurant because i liked the sevechay (have no clue how to spell it) (raw fish) its some Peruvian dish that Mike had while serving his mission... it tastes like lemon but i went back for seconds and both times we have gone with them i have gone back for seconds and actually like it...which is surprising because i am not a big fish person. While we were there I also stepped out of my element and tried a completely new dish. I had some sort of fish. again i am not a fish person but decided to be brave and try something new that i don't get the opportunity to do. i actually liked it and decided that i like Peruvian food which i guess bumped me up to mikes favorite....well at least for that day! i was pretty happy!

Tavan enjoys talking to whoever, wherever. He will even talk to himself. he thinks he is a comedian because when he talks to himself while playing or in his swing he giggles but has only giggled a few times in response to us. He also loves to suck on his fingers especially the thumb and pointer! apparently they are delicious and he is willing to share them if you would like but Ricky and I usually pass because they are covered in slobber most of the time! but i love the fact that he shares!

Also, shoutout to Ricky! he is awesome! He helped me re paint our bathroom which turned into a make over for it. we got a new light and mirror/vanity thing that hangs on the wall that actually matches and moved the one that was in there to the downstairs bathroom! before the bathroom was white but whoever painted it did a horrible job because you could clearly tell that it used to be annoyed me so much so finally i decided that with the left over paint from Tavans room we would re paint the bathroom. It is still white but a lot more brighter and matches now! I will have to put pictures up when it is all put back together and no more tools are in it. We also took out the funky plastic trim they had up and are putting in a wood one. I'm so excited it will look so nice when it is completely finished. Ricky helped me do all this after work one day and it ended up taking way longer than expected which cut into his sleep time usually he sleeps from noon till 8 but yesterday he went down at 4 sorry honey! the whole time i kept apologizing for keeping him up and he kept saying Its fine, i am ok and don't worry about it! what a sweetheart to put up with me! and all my crazy decor and craft projects i have him help me with!

Lately, to keep busy and my spring fever at bay i have been doing little crafty things around the house. it has been so much fun. I made decor for the kitchen and an egg garland for easter and am now working on a quilt for Tavan. (wish me luck). I also am redoing the spare bedroom which involves painting (accent wall in dark brown then other 3 in cream) and refurnishing, i'm so excited, cant wait! at first Ricky is hesitant about it because i don't think he quite understands my explanation of what i am doing but he always LOVES the end result..or at least he makes a very, very, very convincing lie...... I am so glad i am married to someone who lets me be me and who isn't afraid to let me do things that he is not sure about! I married the sweetest man on earth! he is very understanding and likes to talk about things that might bother him or are on his mind. i love that he talks through things rather than bottle them up or just gets mad and yells...something im not used to! i love that he is perfect for me! love you hun!

Today we also got Tavans high chair in the mail! while we were out in Provo we went to Babies R us and looked at high chairs and exersaucers so we could pick which one we wanted then have them ship it to us because they would not fit in our car especially with all the luggage. i was so excited when it came and Tavans uncle Jason (he was over for like 10 min) put it together for him. I think it is so stinking' cute! Perfect for Tavan and in his colors!

pictures are out of order from above...but i think you can figure it out!

craft. for above his crib

craft. Paula front door

work in progress...Tavans quilt

my easter of these days im going to find the perfect curtains for the LV room...i just havent yet

in my kitchen....above the oven kinda hard to see but it says Kiss the Cook!

close up....

with out the food tray...isn't it adorable! Love it!

shot of me and Tavan with my new hair!

Daddys favorite people!

i love all his faces!

double chin

such a cutie!

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